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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

free speech or just offensive Essay example - 1070 Words

Free Speech or Just Offensive? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A highly debated topic as of late has been the staggering rise of offensive language and topics of the music industry, which have infiltrated through. Should the artists of this music be punished for corrupting the minds of the people who listen to it? Or should the musicians rights be protected by the first amendment? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The main problem to be seen is that this music has become extremely popular to the youth. With this popularity comes blow after blow from the media, parents, and organizations putting down the music because they believe its corrupting the children. All of these criticisms towards music have even made the government step in†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Profanity and racism are also now more vocalized through music. We have become accustomed to hearing bad language everywhere. Many musicians use this as an excuse to put it in their songs, saying that its already part of our language. The question is, could the profanity in their songs be the reason that cursing is a part of our language? Of course it is part of the reason why it is so popular, because of its mass publication and the influence stars have on everyday folk. Through this language comes stereotypes and racism towards groups like homosexuals and police. Eminem has been getting practically only criticism for his blatant hatred for homosexual, which he displays through his entire album. Eminem’s songs â€Å"contains unmistakable offensive sexual references†, says the FCC, but they are still letting his songs play on the radio because the lyrics can be preceved innocent (Goodman, Fred 14). GLAD, a homosexual group, has voiced their opinion on the matter in an attempt to boycott the album. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;NWA has also felt the voice of another more powerful group, the police. After NWA came out with the song quot;Fuck the Police,† not only did every crime fighter in America want this groups head but also the FBI. The FBI sent a notice to NWA in early 1989 complainingShow MoreRelatedLimits Of Freedom Of Speech1210 Words   |  5 Pagesthe first amendment is the right to freedom of speech. And the ongoing question is whether we should place limitations of the said amendment. My dad used to say â€Å"Without the freedom to offend we cannot fully and entirely have Freedom of speech.† Freedom of speech should be limited due to the array of dangerous ways it can be used. Anything can be seen as offensive. If a song is deemed as offensive by one person, does that mean the song is offensive and not protected by the bill of rights. Some thingsRead MoreCensorship from Obscene Material1066 Words   |  5 Pagesthe issue is how much society is going to permit and where we, as a society, should we draw the line. The freedom of speech has always been considered a right, but that doesnt mean that you can shout, Fire! in a crowded movie theater. The real question is whether such material is harmful or dangerous to our society. Many people are asking whether or not we should censor offensive material. They believe that some material is too obscene for society to hear or see. The advocates of censorshipRead MoreFreedom Of Speech : The First Amendment1412 Words   |  6 PagesOverview of Free Speech Freedom of Speech. The First Amendment. It’s likely the most well-known part of the United States Constitution, and was considered by the founders of our country to be one of the most important pieces of a free society. While in years prior it has generally been agreed upon that free speech - especially political speech - is vital to democracy, today there are some people singing a different tune. There are those who believe that certain offensive speech (or in some casesRead MoreEssay on Music Censorship1049 Words   |  5 Pagesissue is how much society is going to permit and where we, as a society, should we draw the line. The freedom of speech has always been considered a right, but that doesnt mean that you can shout, Fire! in a crowded movie theater. The real question is whether such material is harmful or dangerous to our society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many people are asking whether or not we should censor offensive material. They believe that some material is too obscene for society to hear or see. The advocates of censorshipRead MoreProtecting Students From Hurt Feelings1098 Words   |  5 Pagesbackward. The new generation born after the 80’s is overprotected by their parents, seemingly making them become vulnerable to the criticism from the surroundings. Like the parents, many colleges decide to limit free speech to create a place â€Å"protecting students from hurt feelings† (Stack). Just as Lukianoff and Haidt explain in the debate, it is necessary to shield students from statements causing them emotional and psychological harm on campus. It means that turning â€Å"campuses into ‘safe spaces’ whereRead MoreEssay about Free Speech1257 Words   |  6 Pagesuse the rights we are given constitutionally, we are often being criticized and even reprimanded. Our freedom to voice our opinion(s) is being challenged, as critics of free speech are taking offense to what seems like anything and everything merely controversial and arguably prejudice. As people continue to strive for a nation free of prejudice and discrimination, where everyone is equal, safe and happy, they overlook the outcome of creating such an environment. Without different beliefs, theoriesRead MoreThe Role Of Provocative Speech Essay844 Words   |  4 PagesThe Role of Proactive Speech Analysis â€Å"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.† – Voltaire.   The freedom of speech is an American right in which the foundation of Democracy lies. Freedom of Speech has an impact on Americans lives and people should do their utmost to protect it. For this purpose of protecting freedom of speech Katherine Ho wrote the article â€Å"The Role of Provocative Speech†, published February of 2016. This article was written with the purposeRead MoreThe Battle Of The Confederate Flag1321 Words   |  6 Pagesincredibly difficult and unjust to promote a system to which state authority prevents speech that they find offensive. It is nearly impossible and impractical for a state entity to understand what can and can’t be considered offensive, and what is offensive to some and not to others. That is why the harm principle is a great principle to understand the limits of how far free speech should and can go. Free speech shou ld be protected and promoted so long as it does not create credible harm to anotherRead MoreSpeech On The Bill Of Rights1153 Words   |  5 Pagesrespecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press† (Alderman and Kennedy, pg.21). Because of the First Amendment, hate speech, â€Å"no matter how offensive its content†, was â€Å"protected† under the laws (ACLZ). However, people are still demanding more. They want hate-related speech to be allowed on campuses –without knowing the effects and the damage it could do. Hate speech could bring people down, lower their confidences andRead MoreThe Confederate Flag : A Harmful Form Of Free Speech964 Words   |  4 Pagesvery legitimately be seen as a harmful form of free speech. However in present day, the confederate flag, for the most part does not carry the same meaning or same threat. Many people, who express themselves through t he confederate flag as a symbol, do so as a form of showing southern pride or southern heritage. The current symbol of the confederate flag does not display the same form of harm as it did in history. The current flag does not physically harm anyone nor does it present a credible threat

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Truest Test Of Love - 2300 Words

It seems to me that the truest test of love is true hatred. Hatred experienced both by as an emotion of the one that loves and the experience of being hated itself. If this is the case, it quickly becomes clear that much of the way the word is currently used is little better than trash. It has become a buzzword, a vague sense that certain types of people ought to receive a certain level of acceptance while others can be comfortably denied our amorphous feeling of good will. It has lost the power it is due, the power that it carried when the LORD declared You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might (Deuteronomy 6:5) or when Christ tells us love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you (Matthew 5:44). This love is not a vague sense of social inclusion, but rather an orientation of the whole self away from my own ego and toward something outside of myself. It has little to do with acceptance and more to do with how we posi tion ourselves toward even those we find to be morally objectionable. Love, when thought of in such a sense, can legitimately be used as a basis for a moral choice, and a person s position can be objected to on the grounds that it fails to love. When used in the vague amorphous sense one can legitimately respond Who ought I to love? By which is meant who ought I to have a vague feeling of good will toward and accept their behavior as correct. When seen in the larger sense the questionShow MoreRelatedReading Log From Cold Blood Essay718 Words   |  3 Pagesbut she doesn’t answer. Susan gets worried and she and her friend go by the house and discover the bodies. The call the police and the police are shocked by the call. Bobby Rupp, Nancy’s boyfriend, is the first suspect, but he passes the lie detector test and is let go. An investigation is put into action by Alvin Dewey, who thinks the killers must be close to the family to have such a grudge to murder them. While t he investigation is taking place, Dick and Perry are in Olathe, Dick’s hometown. DickRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s As You Like It1270 Words   |  6 Pagescan be seen that love is a life and personality altering element for each character. Love is the main theme of this play as it can be seen that all characters are changed by love. In this one piece by William Shakespeare, many different forms different forms of love can be seen. There is brotherly love, love in loyalty, lust, friendship, and even the expected form of romantic love. There are three main couples we see change and development due to their interactions with love, Rosalind and OrlandoRead MoreEducational Philosophy : Traditional And Progressive Style1324 Words   |  6 Pagesfor life and that knowledge will be obtained through practice of exams, lectures, and memorization. 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One, being, using blood from human volunteers to test for fever-causing contaminants in medicines that could save up to hundreds of thousands of rabbits each year. There are many steps that needRead MoreEssay On SCORR1067 Words   |  5 PagesWant to work? SCORR is the leader in Health Science Marketing for the Kearney area. I would love the opportunity to learn from a company that truly does it all. Having a company like SCORR this close to home is a rather lucky entity in itself. I know that SCORR would give me the opportunity to grow into my role with the company, while helping me to gain the knowledge that it takes to succeed in this competitive field. I want to want to work for SCORR because I believe they are the best at whatRead MoreAristotle s Types Of Friendship2060 Words   |  9 Pagesfriendship that Aristotle describes as loving the other person completely and therefore can withstand the test of time (Aristotle, 34). Aristotle suggests that an individual who loves himself is likely to be a good and philanthropic person. Because the person loves himself, he is likely to love his friends, and an individual’s friend is considered to be his other self. Thus, a person who does not love himself is likely to treat his friends in the same manner in which he treats himself and be viciousRead MoreHomer s The Iliad And The Odyssey Essay1590 Words   |  7 Pagesare firmly founded upon the religious beliefs of the ancient Greeks. Being so firmly founded upon the ancient Greek religion, which has for centuries been mythology with many mystical and unusual creatures of fantasy, homer’s tales have withstood the test of time, captivating the attention of countless readers though many millennia and inspired the imagination of those who have read through the glorious epic. As to the origins of Homer, much is unclear. Where did he lived? Where he was from? When didRead MoreEssay on Flowers For Algernon by Daniel Keyes1347 Words   |  6 Pagesmany ways animals are just like humans, they need love and affection and tender care, and although they cannot talk they have a certain way of expressing their emotions and comforting you in times of need. At the beginning of the novel Charlie is discouraged by how smart Algernon is, and resents him for being smarter then him when he is just an animal. I didnt know mice could be so smart. (Keyes 8). After a while Algernon becomes Charlies truest friend, Charlie can relate to him because they are

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Independent situations

Question : The following are independent and material situations ? Answer : Introducation Actual Independence Actual independence is the real independence which enables the auditor to take independent decisions in situations of under pressure.It reflects the independence of mind.The auditor should perform his work free from any conflicting responsibilities(Alvin Arens,Randal Elder,Mark Beasley,Chris Hogan,2016).It is the art of giving non biased opinions which is not influenced by anyone in anyway. Perceived Independence Perceived independence is the independence in appearance. It is not the true independence. It results due to auditors close relationship with key personnel of the company. E.g. Auditor best friend holds 50% shares of the entity in which he is appointed as an auditor.Definitely in this case auditors opinion on financial statement will be influence by the interests of his fiance.He will not act in an independent way though he is perceived as an independent auditor (Steven Bragg, 2014). 1.Bob has breached Sec 140 of Confidentiality of APESB and ASA 200.This section says that an auditor will be guilty of misconduct if he discloses or uses any information of his client acquired in the course of his professional duties until and unless prescribed by specific authority or required by law.As per ASA 200,Overall objectives of an independent auditor and the conduct of an audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards,confidentiality is one of the objectives of an independent auditor( Janice Loftus,Ken J Leo,Kerry Clark,Victoria Wise,2012). Alternatively Bob can use the online reference material and information which could assist him in completing his university assignment.He can take the help of popular cases through online material. 2.Wendy has breached Sec 120 of objectivity,Sec 210 of professional appointment and sec 290 of independence of APESB.Sec 120 says that an auditor should be clear of his objective to report in an independent manner to the stakeholders of the company.Sec 210 says that appointment of an auditor should be in a proper way in annual general meeting and Sec 290 talks about independence of auditor in delivering his responsibilities. Alternatively Wendy should suggest a company secretary having good reputation to take over the work of Ace Ltd.He should continue working as an engagement partner( Janice Loftus,Ken J Leo,Kerry Clark,Victoria Wise,2012). 3.Leo has breached Sec 290 of APESB of Independence of auditor.He has an indirect interest in Precision Machinery Limited as his father is a foreman in that company. Therefore in this case Leo independence is seem to be seen as perceived independence.It has also breached ASA200 of Australian Auditing Standards As a matter of fact other auditor can take up the audit of Precision Machinery Ltd who doesnt have any direct interest.In that case he can exercise professional judgement and can base his opinion on true facts and figures.Whereas if Leo would have done the audit,his independence would be seen as perceived independence(Rick Hayes,Philip Wallage,Hans Gortemaker,2014) 4.Chan Associates has breached Sec 240 of APESB of Fees and other types of remuneration.Fees given should be in terms already decided at the time of engagement.Any deviation from the standards is not valid. Alternatively terms of remuneration can be revised only if agreed by both the parties together.It can be changed by passing a special resolution in the annual general meeting. References Rick Hayes,Philip Wallage,Hans Gortemaker(2014).Auditing of Financial Statements-Principals of Auditing.UK.Pearson Publishers Janice Loftus,Ken J Leo,Kerry Clark,Victoria Wise(2012).Understanding Australian Accounting Standards.Melbourne.John Wiley Sons Alvin Arens,Randal Elder,Mark Beasley,Chris Hogan(2016).Auditing and Assurance Services.UK.Pearson Steven Bragg.(2014).Financial Analysis:A Business Decision Guide.Accounting Tools,2nd edition.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Management and Leadership Effectiveness

There is a common misconception among many people that a leader is a boss and vice versa. This notion, however, is not true. A leader is defined as a person whom people follow and from whom they seek guidance and direction. A boss, on the other hand, can be anyone who has some sort of power over other people, especially colleagues at the work place.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Management and Leadership Effectiveness specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Leadership can, therefore, be defined as the process of utilising ones social influence to rally for assistance from ones followers in order to achieve a common goal. The demand for quality leadership is at all times high as citizens require leaders who can deliver consistent and sustainable development, with little, and diminishing resources at their disposal. This is especially true in a political scenario. The days when voting for a leader was simply a matter of political affiliation are dead and buried. People want actions, and demand results. So, what are the fundamental characteristics of a political leader? Well, these may vary from one person to the other because a person’s likeable attributes are a matter of preference. The following traits, however, stand out. Accountability is a fundamental ingredient and essentially the building blocks of a good leader. Personal accountability entails being answerable for your actions and of those that you supervise. A good leader should be ready to bear the burden of his subordinates’ shortcomings and deal with underperforming colleagues accordingly. Failure to do so will lead to a situation of blame-shifting and finger pointing which never bears any positive outcome. Personal accountability builds trust and shows an ability and dedication to achieving success and positive results. This is one trait that was portrayed by Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili, when the president, Mikhei l Saakashvili, denounced the new cabinet at the parliamentary assembly of the council of Europe (System Innovation for Sustainability 2012), and claimed that Russia would use blackmailing and provocation, similar to what was done during the Azerbaijan elections in Georgia. Prime Minister Bidzina issued a public statement, in which he apologised to Georgia’s allies for the president’s actions. This clearly shows that Bidzina is accountable for the actions of the government, under which, he serves.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Honesty is another virtue that characterises a good leader, but sadly, it is a trait that many leaders lack. Honesty is like a coin with two faces. On one side, honesty builds credibility and trust, the two ingredients that are essential for gaining trust, belief and confidence from those around us. Prime Minister Bidzina displayed a imp ressive show of honesty when he unexpectedly entered into politics, specifically to challenge President Mikheil, and his leadership. â€Å"I’m 56 years old. I decided to go into politics because of our Soviet-style government,† said Bidzina, accusing the president of dictatorship, and buying off of Georgia’s old parliamentary opposition. The results of the prime minister’s actions are what many individuals and leaders dread, and which also happens to be the second face of the honesty coin. Being honest reveals the true nature of an individual or an organisation. It discloses past mistakes, failures, and shortcomings of individuals, leaving them vulnerable to prejudice and rejection. Compassion is the ability to identify a people’s suffering, and implement strategies that will alleviate their anguish, without any intentions to make any personal gains. This is a crucial trait for any political leader since it is their duty to look after the needs of the people whom they represent. Bidzina displayed compassion by challenging the president’s actions, which as he puts it, were turning the nation from a democracy and into a dictatorship. This showed that he valued the people’s rights and would sit down a watch them be eroded by selfish, self-centered individuals. Integrity; this is the ability to stick onto ones beliefs and principles, even in the presence of external pressure to change. This is an essential requirement for leaders, especially politicians as it shows moral uprightness, which earns the confidence from the people, who can trust their leaders to do the right thing, at the right time, even if it may be to their own (the leaders) disadvantage. This shows that leader values the welfare of the community, more than he does those of an individual. Bidzina claims that he had been forced to find other people to work with since the president, Mikheil, has bought off Georgia’s old parliamentary opposition. This shows that he, Bidzina, is a man of integrity because, as they say, â€Å"show me your friends, and I’ll tell you your character.†Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Management and Leadership Effectiveness specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is clearly evident that Bidzina has all the makings of a good political leader. He calls it the way he sees it and is not afraid to brush shoulders with any leader who does not fulfill their duty, or uses his political influence to make personal gains at the people’s expense. He is a person who will not be swayed away from his principles and his promises to his people. All leaders, politicians or otherwise, should strive to be like him (Russ’s Web 2003). The foregoing are just a few of the qualities and traits that are expected of any person, leader or not, and not just politicians. They are characteristics that one is usually born with, but the y can be learned where they lack. They should, however, be instinctive, and not something one has to ponder over. When in doubt, one can simply apply the golden rule; â€Å"do unto others as you would have them do unto you.† We have seen what is expected in political leadership, but what about management leadership. Well, most of what is expected from a political leader is also expected from a manager or a supervisor, but there are some slight variations depending on the organisational environment. These variations are brought about by such factors as job group division, division of labor, and hierarchy. Organisational complexity requires the adoption of adaptive leadership practices. This is particularly challenging for bureaucracies that seek to control variations through command and control approaches. So, rather than focusing on activities engaged in eliminating potential errors and discrepancies, adaptive practices seek to use these variations as opportunities for learni ng. This learning is not focused solely on the prevention of reoccurrence, but also on the organisational structure, communication systems and self-organising elements within the organisation (Espinosa, Harnden and Walker 637). In order to be effective therefore, a manager needs to be more accommodative of his juniors at the work place. For a leader to be effective, he will need to be able to adopt a different leadership style depending on the situation at hand. The leader should, however, be careful in deciding the leadership style he would like to adopt lest he makes a fool of himself, which will bring about disrespect from his junior colleagues.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are about six established leadership styles that have been identified and which are commonly implemented in management leadership. An in dept analysis of these six leadership styles will give an insight into effective management leadership. The ‘pace-setting leader’- this is a leadership technique where the leader motivates his subordinates to better their performance by setting high standards in job execution. The leader then expects his subordinates to ape him. However, this leadership style is only appropriate when the colleagues are already motivated, and self-driven to achieve and excel. This style should be used with a lot of caution, especially when the leader is a high achiever because extensive use of this style may lead to overwhelming of the junior employees. Authoritative leadership another commonly used leadership style. This is where the manager gives an objective that he wishes to be accomplished, and then leaves the subordinates to their own device s as far goal achievement is concerned. This style of leadership is commonly used when a change in objectives especially due to changing circumstances, or where explicit guidance is not necessary. This inspires an entrepreneurial and problem solving nature in the junior staff and helps in self-growth. It is, however not recommended in situations where the junior employees are more qualified in the concerned field than the manager is. The affiliative leadership style is where the leader nurtures a feeling of bonding and belonging among his staff members. The leader makes his staff feel that they are beneficial and are being appreciated in the organisation. It is most effective when the manager wants to rebuild trust among his staff, or when he wishes to relieve stress from his juniors. This leadership style should not be used exclusively because an extensive application of this style will promote under-performance, mediocre results, and a lack of direction within the junior staff mem bers of the organisation. The coaching approach to leadership is one that seeks to develop a lasting positive trait within the staff members. Here, the leader identifies a particular strength within an employee, which the employee has not realised. The leader then advises them to capitalise on these strengths. This is aimed at helping the staff to develop lasting personal strengths that will help in their overall success. It is, however, not an effective strategy in situations that involve defiant employees who are resistant to change. Coercive leadership is where the leader expects his/her instructions to be followed to the latter. It is more like issuing commands to the junior staff, and expecting immediate compliance. It should, however be avoided in any other situation because an extensive use of this technique will lead to alienation and hinder innovation from the employees. Democratic leadership. This leadership style promotes a participatory nature within the organisation. Th e leader, rather than give direct instructions to the employees, opts to seek their input in developing problem solving strategies. It is most effective when the leader seeks to sell an idea or decision to his staff. This makes them more receptive to change as they end up owning the idea/ decision (the employees end up feeling like they came up with the idea and not as though the idea was shoved down their throats.). It also serves well where the manager seeks fresh ideas from qualified staff members. It is not an effective method when an in an emergency situation, or where time is of the essence. The leader should also avoid seeking ideas from his juniors when they are not savvy enough to offer him advice. The foregoing leadership styles have been coined from leaders’ character traits, i.e. a leader who favors the authoritative leadership strategy is said to be an authoritative leader. As they say, human is to error, and this, therefore, means that no single leadership style is perfect (seeing as they have been coined from the traits of the leaders who apply them). It should follow then that a leader should consider all relevant factors of the situation at hand, and come up with a combination of two or more leadership styles to try and balance the unhealthy or unwanted outcomes with the good ones. As earlier seen Bidzina has adopted a number of leadership styles both during his campaigns and offer assuming office. This has enabled him to stay relevant to most people as it is easy to overlook the unpleasant traits where they have out-weighed by the good traits. It is, therefore prudent for political leaders and managers to balance their leadership style in order to appeal to the masses. Failure to do so may bring about a state of rejection and even hate in extreme, from the governed since everyone has his/ her own preferences, which are different from those of the next person. Works Cited Espinosa, Angela, R. Harnden, L. Walker. â€Å"A complexity appr oach to sustainability – Stafford Beer revisited.† European Journal of Operational Research. 187. 2,1 (2008): 636–651. System Innovation for Sustainability. â€Å"System Innovation for Sustainability: Using Systems Thinking and Design Thinking†. 2012. Web. Russ’s Web. â€Å"Wisdom†. 2003. Web. home.earthlink.net/~bmgei/educate/docs/aperson/wisdom/wisdom.htm. 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