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Question: Talk about theTopics in Ethics for Truck Companies and Hotels. Answer: Presentation: One of the most noteworthy divisi...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Individual Business report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Individual Business report - Essay Example (ABGL 2008). Company operates on B2B business model and resells its product i.e. biodiesel to different fuel blenders for onward resell to commercial, government as well as retail users within the country. ABGL is intending to further exploit growth opportunities into those markets. As a part of its future expansion plans, the company is planning to enter into Malaysian Market where it intends to assist different project developers in setting up biodiesel plants by entering into a project which will allow it to manufacture its entire product in Malaysia. Malaysia witnessed one of the most predictable and stable political government in the region with Dr. Mahathir Mohammed at the helm of affairs for almost 22 years however after his resignation in 2003, country’s political system does not seem to stable and predictable as country’s political leaders are still facing strong differences in create a potential replacement of Dr. Mahathir. (Jacques, 2008). Malaysia is a Federal parliamentary Monarchy with Prime Minister as the head of the State. The country is a multiple party in nature with more than 25 registered political parties actively participating in the politics of the country. Australia and Malaysia share a very frictional history of relationship between them as historically the relations did not remained cordial however recent initiatives signaled change into the relationship of both the countries. The trade ties are increasingly becoming friendlier and there is now significant cross border trade between both the countries. (Baker, 2004). Malaysia achieved unprecedented economic growth in past and is often considered as a leading economy within Muslim world. Being in closer proximity with Australia, country provides one of the most lucrative options to build good economic relations. Though, during Mahathir’s era,

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